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Report Painter – Beginners Guide

Report Painter is an easy and effective tool for SAP ERP reporting. This is Report Painter tutorial for beginners. Screen by screen you will learn  how to use this tool. When you master the basics, you’re ready to start with your own reports.  Avoid reinventing the wheel, use the existing standard reports as models.

1 Report Painter in SAP menu
2 Creating your first report
2.1 Report Design
2.2 Create report (GRR1)
2.3 Main elements of a Report Painter Report
2.4 Row definition
2.4.1 Lead Column
2.4.2 Row 1 – Cost Elements Cost Element interval Set Variable Set Variable
2.5 Column Definition
2.5.1 Key figure with characteristics
2.5.2 Predefined key figure – Actual costs
2.5.3 Predefined key figure – Plan costs
2.5.4 Formula
2.6 General Data Selection
2.7 Save and execute
2.7.1 Report Group
2.7.2 Errors?
2.7.3 New trial
2.8 Add Cost Centers to the report
2.8.1 Cost Centers in Rows
2.8.2 Cost Centers in Columns
2.8.3 Cost Center in General Data Selection
2.8.4 Variation
2.9 Column Heading Texts
2.10 Fiscal Year and Periods
2.11 Add and delete columns
2.11.1 Delete a Column
2.11.2 Insert a Column
2.12 Report title
2.13 Report / report interface
2.13.1 Drilldown to line item reports
2.15 Report Layout
2.15.1 Format Group
2.15.2 Report Layout
2.16 Sections
2.15.1 Create New section Section with characteristics and key fig Section with calculated key figures
3 Main elements of Report Painter
3.1 Library 1VK and Report Table CCSS
3.1.1 Characteristics
3.1.2 Basic Key Figures
3.1.3 Key figures (predefined key figures)
3.2 Create your own library
3.3 Report Group YREP
3.4 Sets and Variables


1     Report Painter in SAP menu

You find the Report Painter report from SAP Menu under:  Information Systems / Ad hoc Reports/ Report Painter / Report

Report Painter in SAP Menu

Or under Controlling / Cost Center Accounting (or Profit Center Accounting) / Information Systems /Tools / Report Painter / Report

Report Painter in Controlling menu

Library, Report Group and other important elements of Report Painter are under Report Writer menu.

SAP Menu Ad-hoc Reports

In which system or client you should do your exercise? If your Company has Sandbox client, use it. Otherwise use the test system.

2     Creating your first report

2.1  Report Design

Before jumping into Report Painter, spend a while planning your report.

We want to create a simple actual vs. plan cost accounting report.

Cost Center Report

2.2  Create report (GRR1)

Start the Report Painter and select from menu Create Report (or use transaction GRR1).

First you need to enter a library. Use the search help (F4) and open the library view.

Create Report GRR1

Take a closer look at the available libraries. Libraries beginning with a number are SAP standard libraries. You find libraries that contain cost accounting reports (cost centers, orders, projects, product costing), Financial Accounting reports and Logististic information system (LIS) etc.

Find Library / Report Table

A reporting table is always assigned to the library. This table contains characteristics and key figures that you can use in reports. Examples of characeristis are cost elements, cost centers, periods etc. Key figures are numerical value fields, such as Actual Costs or quantities.

Most SAP standard cost center reports are in library 1VK. Reporting table of 1VK is CCSS.

You can use an existing library or create your own library. Let’s use the library 1VK for our new report.

Give your report an id and description. The name must not start with a number or special character. Start the report name with Z or Y.

You can also copy the definitions from an existing report.

Create a Report Painter report


2.3  Main elements of a Report Painter Report

The main elements of every Report Painter report are Rows, Columns and General Data.

Main elements of Report Painter Report


Creating a report begins from an empty report with four rows and columns. You are going to use this report structure as a basis for your own report. It displays the report rows and columns as they will appear in the final report.

Report Painter report - create

2.4  Row definition

2.4.1     Lead Column

Double-click on the ‘Lead Column’ (1) and replace the text  with ‘Cost Elements’

Lead Column - text

Confirm with enter or green check mark.

2.4.2 Row 1 – Cost Elements

The title of the lead column is now Cost Elements.

Lead Column: Cost Elements

Double-click on Row 1. The Element Definition box opens.

Report Painter: Element Definition box

Select Cost Element from the ‘Available characteristics’ and move it to the left.

Report Painter: Available characteristic

Report Painter: Cost element

If you try to confirm the selection, you get a message: “Enter a set, a single value or an interval”.


You need to define the cost element values and how they are presented in the report.

There are a couple of options how to do that. Cost Element interval

You can use the actual cost element numbers (single or interval).

Row: cost element interval

In case you wish to enter several individual values or intervals, press ‘More’ to insert multiple lines. To compress the inserted lines press the ‘More’ with green arrow on the first line.

Row: cost element interval - more

Scroll to the end of the line. There you can choose how the values are presented in the report. You can choose between No explode, Explode and Single values. In the standard system, the No explode indicator is set as the default.

Row: cost element interval - explode

No explode: the values of an interval are summarized to one row.

Row: cost element interval - No explode

Explode: the values are singled out and totaled

Row: cost element interval - Explode

Single values: cost elements are shown separate with no  grand total.

Row: cost element interval - Single values Set

Instead of the actual cost elemement values you can use a set. A set is a collection of cost elements. For example, all Cost Element Groups are sets.

Row: cost element SET

Row: Cost Element Set

Check the ‘Set’ and write the cost cost element group in From. If you don’t know any cost element groups, you can search for them with Row: Cost Element Variable (F4)

In the ‘Selection of set’ box, click on the small triangle.

Selection of Set

Choose Set Class ‘Cost Elem Grpr’ and enter the name of your Chart of Accounts under Organizational Unit.

Selection of Sets

Confirm your choices.

Select the Cost Element Group you want to use in your report. In this example group OAS is chosen.

Sets: cost element group OAS

Scroll to end of the line. Choose between No explode, Explode and Single values.

Row: cost element interval - explode

No explode: all the values are totaled to one line.

Row: cost element set -explode

Explode: the report displays single values, subtotals, and a grand total. The cost element group is exploded and subtotals are calculated based on the hierarchical structure.

Row: cost element set -explode

Row: cost element set -explode

Single Values: the levels of the cost element group are not displayed; only individual cost elements are shown. No grand total.

Row: cost element set -single values Variable

Next alternative is to use Variables. You can only use variables that are defined in the reporting table of the library.

Row: variable

Reporting table CCSS (the table of our library 1VK) has no variables defined, why this choice is not possible.

Row: selection of variable

Look for available variables with (F4). Sort By Tables. Set Variable

You could not use variables, but you can use something called ‘Set variables’. When you check both the Set and Variable, you indicate that you want to use a Set variable.

Row: Set Variable

There are several ‘Set variables’in table CCSS.

Row: Selection of variable 1KSTAR

Display variable (transaction GS13).

Set variable 1KSTAR contains all cost elements of the Controlling Area.

Row: Set variable 1KSTAR

Scroll to end of the line. Choose between No explode, Explode and Single values.

Row definition - explode

No explode: totals the values to one row.

Row definition - No explode

You might wonder why the total value of Actual costs is not the same as above, when we used the cost element group OAS? The explanation is that cost element group OAS does not contain all the cost elements of the Controlling Area, while 1KSTAR does.

Explode: 1KSTAR explodes only to one level. The report contains all cost elements and a grand total.

CE group OAS_EXT

You can replace 1KSTAR with a Cost Element Group in the report selection. In that case, it will be opened.

Row: cost element set -explode

Single values: cost elements are singled out. No grand total.

Row definition cost element group single values

Set variables enable the use of groups, sub-groups and value(s) in the report start. Variable 1KSTAR adds the selection group Cost Element Group or value(s). 1KSTAR has only one level, but you can replace it with any Cost Element group.

Selection Groups

In our report we will use the Set variable 1KSTAR for cost elements.

CE choice 1KSTAR explode

Click on the pen and maintain the default row text.

Maintain Row text

Enter the text: Total Costs.

Row texts

Confirm the entry.


Now you can see the text ‘Total Costs’ and a * before it. It means that, the row contains a one-level group or set.

Total Costs

You cannot save the report before at least one column is defined.

Error: No columns

2.5 Column Definition

Columns contain a combination of characteristics and basic key figures. You can also use predefined key figures, which contain ready to use combinations defined by SAP.

Double-click on Column 1.

A box with two choices opens.

Let’s take a closer look at both of them.

2.5.1 Key figure with characteristics

Select first ‘Key figure with characteristics’ and press enter.

Columns: element type

Empty Element definition opens. If you are not familiar with Report Painter, you probably don’t know, what to choose.

Element definition: column 1

2.5.2 Predefined key figure – Actual costs

Let’s try the second option – Predefined key figure.

Element type: predefined column

You get at list of choices. Pick ‘Actual Costs in current year’.

predefined column: actual cost curr.yr.

This looks better. The Basic Key figure (SWKG Costs) and characteristics are automatically filled in.

predefined column: actual cost curr.yr.

CO version is 0 = plan/actual version, value Type is 4 = Actual, 1GJAHLJ is a formula variant that defaults the current fiscal year.

Take a peek at the variable definitions (transaction GS13). The value #S001 in the formula field brings the current year to the variable. If you use a formula variable, you don’t need to maintain the report definition, when the fiscal year changes.

Formula variable 1GJAHLJ

Let’s stick to this choice. Don’t worry about the Column text. We will deal with it later. Double-click next on Column 2. Now there is also a third option ‘Formula’.

Column 2: predefined column

2.5.3 Predefined key figure – Plan costs

In column 2 we want to present the planned costs. Let’s experiment with the Predefined key figures, if we can find something useful there.

Column 2: predefined column choices

Total plan costs in curr. year  brings the plan costs for the total year,  for periods 1-13.

Column 2: plan costs, periods 1-13

Plan costs, curr. year, curr. period brings the plan costs for the current month (1PERIK)

Column 2: plan costs, periods 1PERIK

Cumulative planned cost in curr year’ brings the plan costs from the beginning of the year (period 1) to the current period.

Column 2: plan costs, periods 1-1PERIK

Formula variable 1PERIK contains value ‘#S006’ = current period (check with transaction GS13).

There is no exact match with the actual cost definition. Let’s try the option ‘Cumulative planned cost in curr year’.

2.5.4 Formula

Now we have the actual costs in column 1 and planned costs in column 2. In column 3 we want to show the difference between actual and plan. Double-click on Column 3. Select this time Formula.

Column 3: formula

A formula editor opens. In the ‘formula components’ part you see X001 and X002, which are the two columns we just have defined.

Column 3: formula box

We want the absolute difference of these two columns in Column 3. It is easy. Just type X001-X002 in formula line, or choose the formula elements from formula components.

Column 3: formula actual-plan

Enter a text.

Column 3: formula text

Now we have the last column left. We want to show here the difference in percentage. Double-click Column 4.

Column 4: formula

Select Formula and type the formula (x001/x002)*100 or choose the formula elements from formula components..

Column 4: formula actual-plan %

Maintain the text.

Column 4: formula actual-plan % texts

This is how our report looks now.

report definition completed

Try to save it. Still something missing. Controlling Area must be specified somewhere.

error: co area missing

2.6 General Data Selection

Besides rows and columns, we need to maintain General data selection (under the Edit menu). Specify in General data selection all characteristics not needed in report rows or columns .

General Data Selection Menu

Empty Element definition opens.

Element Definition: General Data Selection

Move CO Area from the right to the left. If your company only has one controlling area, you can put the value here.

Element Definition: General Data Co Area 1000

2.7 Save and execute

Now you can save the report and take a first look at it.

Element Definition: General Data Co Area 1000

Start with the clock.

Execute report - clock

2.7.1 Report Group

You get a message on report group. All Painter Reports must be assigned to a Report Group before executing. On initial creation of a report the system will let you create a new report group.

No report group

Answer YES.

You can put the report in an existing report group, or you can create a new one. Create a report group YREP.

Report group YREP

Create report group

Answer YES and the system will create the Report Group.

2.7.2 Errors?

Successful generation of a Report Group requires that Controlling Area, Fiscal Year and Period all have been correctly defined.

We have defined Controlling area in General data and Fiscal year in Columns. Something is wrong with the characteristics Period.

Error: period

Characteristics Period was used in Plan Costs column.

Plan: characteristics Period

Actual Costs doesn’t  have Period, only Fiscal year is defined.

Actual:No period

We need to add the Period also to Actual column.

Actual:add Period

After this correction the system generates the Report Group and the programs necessary to run the report.

2.7.3 New trial

Start the report again with the clock.

This time we pass all the checks and the report selection screen opens.

Report Selection

The fiscal year, period and plan version get default values from the used variables. If you are using SAP IDES system, you probably need to change the defaulted fiscal year to an earlier one. I have changed the defaulted 2018 to  2013. The use of Set Variable 1KSTAR for cost elements adds the selection group for cost elements. Select group OAS.

Our first report looks like this.

Cost Center Report

This report displays all the costs of controlling area 1000. To see the costs per cost center, we need to define the cost centers somewhere in the report.

2.8 Add Cost Centers to the report

A characteristic can only appear once either in rows, columns or general data selection. What would be the best place for cost centers?

2.8.1 Cost Centers in Rows

We could add characteristic Cost Center to the row definition. Double-click on row 1. Select Cost Center and move it from the right to the left.

Row: cost elements, cost centers

We will use a Set Variable 1KOSET that contains all cost centers.

Choose Explode (at the end of the line) for both Cost Element and Cost Center.

Save the report and execute it.

The selection screen has now changed. Cost Center Group or value(s) has been added to the Selection group. The Set variable 1KOSET enabled that.

IDES has very old data, why I change the defaulted fiscal year. The selection is restricted to Cost Center Group H2410 and Cost Element Group OAS_PERS.

Selection screen

The report lists Cost Centers by Cost Elements. The Cost Element group is exploded with subtotals and a grand total.

Report: cost elements, cost centers

Is it possible to change the order?

We can change the order of characteristics in the report definition. Select under menu Edit Rows/Explode.

Menu: Edit / Rows

In the Explode Characteristics you see the order of the elements.

Explode: Cost element, cost center

Change the indicator from 2 to 1 for Cost Center.

Explode: cost center, cost element

Save and run the report with same selection as above.

Now we have the report in reverse order.

cost center / cost element report

You can experiment with different choices. For example you could choose Single values for Cost Elements.

cost center / cost element report

The report shows then the Cost Elements for each Cost Center without Cost Element hierarchy levels.

cost center / cost element report

2.8.2 Cost Centers in Columns

Columns are used to display key figure values, why the idea of placing characteristic Cost Center there may seem strange.

However, you might want to create a report consisting of a few Cost Centers and their values. You can then define the characteristic Cost Center in each column and use the cost center number as header text.

cost centers in columns

Double-click on the first column. Move Cost Center to the elemements.

cost centers in columns

Change the the column heading to Cost Center Name. Save and execute the report.

The report looks like this.

cost centers in columns - report

2.8.3 Cost Center in General Data Selection

We have still one option. We can specify the characteristics Cost Center in General data selection.

Remove the Cost Center from column definition and add it as a Set Variable 1KOSET to General data selection (under Edit).

cost centers in general data

Choose Explode.

When you run the report, the Cost Center Group opens in the navigation area on the left.

cost centers in general data - report

To hide the Navigation Area, click on the Hierarchy Button on the left. The variation buttons on the right allow you to navigate between hierarchy levels.

2.8.4 Variation

The variation function allows you to print several reports at one go. It is possible to print a report for each element in a group (set) defined in General data selection.


The hierachy in the picture has 3 levels and 6 individual cost centers. When you print, you can choose, whether you want to print the selected level (H2010) or 9 separate reports of all variation levels.

Variation is defined in report definition and is related to General data selections . Characteristics defined as groups (sets) in General data selection show up in variation (menu Edit/Variation).

menu: variation

variation: expand

The characteristic Cost Center is expanded, because it was exploded in the General data selection.

If you execute the report in expert mode, you can change the variation setting.

Selection screen: variation

In Expert mode Variation is displayed in report selection.

Selection screen: variation

How to set expert mode:

Menu: Environment Options

Expert Mode

If Expert Mode is not checked, variation is not visible.

Selection screen: no variation

2.9 Column Heading Texts

Our report looks now like this. What if you wanted to show the periods in the column headings? This can be done with variables.

Column headings

We used element Period in columns 1 and 2 with values 1-1PERIK. Let’s change the From-value from 1 to 1PERIV. The default value of 1PERIV is 1, but the the value of can be changed at report start. Make this change in both columns.

Double-click on the column header and maintain the texts in the Element definition.

Column headings - texts

If you want to use the period interval in column text, enter the text in the Long text like this Actual &1PERIV – &1PERIK. It is also possible use arrow heads (Actual <&1PERIV> – <&1PERIK>)

Column headings - texts

Column headings - texts

Short text is defaulted, why you need to change the header text lenght to One-line long text.

Menu: Header text length

Menu: Header text length

You can now see the variables in column headings.

Menu: Column headings - variables

When you execute the report, the variables are replaced with their values.

Menu: Column headings - variables

2.10 Fiscal Year and Periods

So far we have defined Cost Elements in the row, Cost Centers and Controlling Area in General Data selection, Fiscal year and Period in Columns.

Fiscal year and Period interval are in both Actual and Plan columns. We could consider moving them to General data selection. In this report it would be OK, as the values are the same in both columns. For now we will leave the Fiscal year and Period as they are in column definition.

Next we want to add a new column for previous years values. Select the predefined column Act.costs prev.yr. It adds fiscal year but no periods.

Menu: Column 5 - prev.yr

Menu: Column 5 - prev.yr elements

Because of the missing period, we get an error when we try save and to run the report.

Menu: Column 5 - error: period

We have two alternatives to correct the error:

1. add period definition also to the previous year column

2. move the period definition to General data selection

We choose alternative 2. First remove Period from all columns and then add it to General Data. Now it is valid for all columns.

Menu: Column 5 - elements with period

Change the name of the Prev.yr. column heading to &1GJAHVJ &1PERIV – &1PERIK

Menu: Column 5 - texts

Run the report.

Menu: Report with 5 columns

Where did the variable 1GJAHVJ get the value 2012?

The explanation is found in variable definition (transaction GS13). The 1GJAHVJ is a formula variable with value ‘&1GJAHLJ’-1. Variable 1GJAHLJ contains value ‘#S001’ = current year.

formula variable 1GJAHVJ

In my example I changed the defaulted current year to 2013, because IDES does not contain current data.

We need to keep the Fiscal year in columns, because it is not the same in all columns.

In table CCSS we find several variables for Fiscal year. Does it matter which of them we use? If you check the variable definition (transaction GS13), you find out that several of them default the current year (‘#S001’)

selection of variable

Let’s experiment a little.

Change the Fiscal year variable as follows:

Actual: 1GJAHR, Plan 1CGJAHE, Previous year 1GJAHVJ.

Run the report. The Fiscal year appears three times in the selection.

selection of variable

report 5 columns

Change the definition as follows:

Actual 1GJAHR, Plan 1GJAHR, Previous year 1GJAHVJ.

Run the report.

report selection: fiscal years

report / fiscal years

Why do we still get two Fiscal Years? The cause is variable 1GJAHVJ that we used for Previous year. It is derived from the current year variable 1GJAHLJ, which is displayed in the selection.

If you use in the report figures for previous years, use 1GJAHLJ for current year. Variables 1GJAHVJ and 1GJAHVV are derived from 1GJAHLJ.


selection of variable 1JAHVJ,1GJAHVV

You can avoid the problem of multiple selection fields caused by inconsistent variables, if you can move the characteristics to general data selection. We did this with the characteristics Period. However, you need to keep the Fiscal Year in column definition, because it is not same for all columns.

2.11 Add and delete columns

2.11.1 Delete a Column

If you need to delete a column from the definition, right-click on the column and select Delete from the menu.

delete column

2.11.2 Insert a Column

If you need to a column between existing columns, click inside the column before which you want to add the new column. Right-click to open the menu. Select Insert element. Select element type.

insert column select element type

2.12 Report title

You might wonder where you can change the “: Selection” displayed at the beginning of the report.

report title :selection

You do it in the Report Group (GR52). Enter there the text you want to see in ‘Description’.

report group: description

The description text is added before ”: Selection” .

Cost centers Plan/actual description

2.13 Report / report interface

In the SAP standard reports we can drilldown to line items and original documents. How do we get this functionality to our own reports? This is also done in the Report Group.

2.13.1 Drilldown to line item reports

You find Reports Groups in Ad Hoc reports under Report Writer. SAP Menu: Information Systems / Ad hoc Reports/ Report Writer/Report Group

Menu: Report Group

Our report group was YREP.

Report Group YREP

The drilldown feature is called Report/Report Interface. It can be defined at Library or Report Group level.

Report/report interface

Click on Configure.

Report/report interface configure

To add a report definition, click on Plus.

Report/report interface add

Enter the name of the Report Group. Our group was YREP. Select ‘Other Report Type’.

Report/report Other report type

Select Report type TR Transaction.

Report/report type TR

Check in the SAP menu, which are the transactions for Cost Center line item reports. KSB1 in sap menu

Return to Report Group and add transaction code KSB1 Actual line items.


When you return back to Assign Report, click on Plus to add the Plan line items report. Enter the report group YREP, select Other Report Type and TR. Enter the transaction KSBP Plan line items.

You can change the order of the reports, if you want.

Change order

Select (1) first Actual line items, place then the cursor on Plan Line items and click on Move (2).


Save the definition.

There are now two reports assigned to the report group.


Test run your report. Double-click a figure in actual column.

test drilldown

A report selection box opens. Select Actual line items.

drilldown report selection

You come to the Actual line items report.

cost center line items

Here you can choose a line, double-click it and move over to the original document. In this example to the accounting document.

fi document

Return to your cost center report with the green arrow.

2.14 Report Layout

Next we will take a quick look at the report layout.

2.14.1 Format Group

Above every column you can see a format group (0).

format groups

You find the format settings from menu Formatting/Columns.

menu formatting columns

The format groups controls: the column width, scaling 1-1.000.000, decimals 0 – 0,00000 etc.

format group 0

Change the scaling to thousands.

report in thousands

This setting is not a very good for column 4 Var (%). We can change the format group for this column. Double-click on the format group 0 above the column. Assign format group 1 for this column.

assign format group

Change the scaling in group 1 to 0, with no decimals and check the outcome.

format group assigned

2.14.2 Report Layout

Select Report Header from menu Edit

menu: edit / report header

SAP standard layout is the default setting.

maintain report header

SAP standard layout is the default, but you can also define your own layout and set it as standard layout.

sap menu: standard layout

sap menu: SAP standard layout

sap menu: SAP standard layout

Use transaction GR11 to create own layouts.

sap menu: Create standard layout

Copy the new layout from existing standard layout and make the changes you want.

menu: formatting report layout

The Report layout is in menu Formatting/Report Layout.

formatting report layout

If you run the report in Expert Mode, you can change the Layout settings under Settings/Report Layout.

2.15 Sections

2.15.1 Create New section

You can use sections in your reports.

menu: edit section/new section

First you define the type of the section.

new section Section with characteristics and key figures

The definition of Sections with characteristics and key figures is the  same as for columns. You can present statistical postings, statistical key figures, acticity types, quantieties in report sections.

SAP Help: “If cost centers, orders and project wbs are needed together, they are usually in separate sections of the report. The cost cost center is repeated in each sections lead column.”

As you already know how define Report Painter rows and columns,  I will not repeat it here.

section characteristics with keyfigures Section with calculated key figures

Here you can present all kind of key figures. In our report we had in columns 3 and 4 the difference between Actual and Plan. We could present them as calculated Key figures.

section calculated keyfigures

Before you start with the section definition, you need to define cells that you use in the key figures. Double click the intersection of row and column. A check mark is added. It indicates the cells you can use in calculations.

section selected cells

Move to the section with section buttons.

next section

Enter the header texts.

section: calculated keyfigures

Double-click on the first row the lead columns and add the name of the first key figure. Repeat for the next key figure. In the adjacent column  + xxx.xxx is added. It is a placeholder for the formulas.

section: formula table

Double-click on the placeholders. The formula editor opens. The cells defined are already there. Write the formula to the formula line.

Save and test run the report.

report test

report test - section report

3 Main elements of Report Painter

The main elements of Report Painter reports are:

· Reporting tables

· Report Libraries /

· Report Group

main element of report painter report

We have already encountered them, when creating our report.

3.1 Library 1VK and Report Table CCSS

Let’s take a closer look at library 1VK (tx. GR23)

display library

1VK Most Standard Cost Center reports are in here

display library

The keystone of the library is a reporting table (1) that provides the characteristics and key figures you can use in reports. Library 1VK uses table CCSS. If you create your own library, the first thing to do is to choose a reporting table.

Below some of the most commonly used reporting tables.

display library

3.1.1 Characteristics

Characteristics (2) are elements you will use in the report rows, columns and selections. Such as cost center, cost element, profit center, account.


3.1.2 Basic Key Figures

Basic Key Figures (3) are numerical value fields. Such as costs, quantity, Total costs in trans. or object currency.

Basic characteristics

3.1.3 Key figures (predefined key figures)

Predefined key figures (4) combine key figures and characteristics. Examples of key figures: actual costs in current year, plan costs in closed year.

Key figures

3.2 create your own library

menu: library create

Start the names of your own libraries with Y or Z.

create library zvk - initial

create library zvk - header

copy report to library zvk

3.3 Report Group YREP

A Report Painter report contains only the report definition. Everything else is in the Report Group. When you run a new report for the first time, the system checks the Report Group assignment. If the report is not in any Report Group, you can either choose an existing Report Group or let the system create a new group.

The system executes all the reports in the Report Group at the same time. Usually there is only one report, but there can be several, e.g. month end reports. You can assign a report to several Report Groups.

change report group

If the report group contains several reports these can be executed as a set. For example you have two reports in report group YREP.

report group: reports

Start the reports from the report group.

report group: execute

Both reports show up on the report screen, where you can start them.

report group: executed

In the report group header you entered the description that shows up in the report selection screen.

The drilldown to line items was defined in the Report/Report interface of the Report Group.

report group

3.4 Sets and Variables

We have in our definitions used different sets and variables.

All the cost element, cost center, order, profit center groups are sets that you can use in the report definitions.

For cost elements and cost centers we used Set variables.

cost element group 1KSTAR


Variables are in Report Writer menu.

menu: GS13

Set variable 1KSTAR contains all cost elements. Set variable 1KOSET contains all cost centers.

The use of set variables adds to report selection the possibility to select groups. For example 1KOSET -> Cost Center Group or values(s), 1KSTAR -> Cost Element Group or value(s).

Depending on their definition the variables can get different default values.

menu: GS13

We used variables also in the column headings. Before the variable a prefix  “&” was added. Numerical variables enable calculations, such as  “&CURYEAR – 1”.

menu: GS13

You can maintain the variables with transactions GS13 Display, GS12 Change.

Set variable 1KSTAR contains all cost elements. Set variable 1KOSET contains all cost centers.

display set variable 1KSTAR

We explored the use of variables to define Fiscal year and Period.

1GJAHLJ contains a system variable #S001= current year.

variable 1GJAHLJ

Variable 1GJAHVJ contains a formula ‘current year – 1

variable 1GJAHVJ

Variables 1PERIV, 1PERIK define the period interval.  The default value of 1PERIV is 1, which you can be change in the report selection.

variable 1PERIV

The variable 1PERIK contains a system variable  #S006 = current period.

variable 1PERIK

Use standard variables for the reporting tables, if possible. Table T802G contains the variables per the tables.

What next?

At this stage of the exercise you should have the basic skills necessary to work with your own reports. Keep in mind that there are lot’s of standard reports in the system that you can copy and mofify to suit your own purposes.

How to get the reports to production? That depends on the IT policies of your company. It is possible to create transport requests or export the report definitions as text files to other systems (DEV, PRD). It is possible to  generate transactions and attach the reports to report trees (Area Menus).

SAP area menu - steps

More on the subject:

SAP Area Menus

How to export/import report groups